Planning and Execution for excellence, Problem Solving, Delivery Results, Competing to win, Multi-Tasking…
FABS’ flagship annual inter-collegiate festival conducted since 2002 - planned and executed by the students.
Usually a two day program, Abstract hosts both cultural and business management events – Business Plan, Mock stock, Ad-mad – and new and innovative events like bluff master. There are also special events reflecting the interests of the students of the organizing batches - chess, football, dance, music, photography, treasure hunt, short …films and many more.
Improving footfalls, quality of participation, prizes and lots of learning and fun… striving to achieve these goals, students learn to conceptualize an event, plan meticulously and execute it successfully. They experience how the best laid plans can fail, how to think on your feet and solve problems as they occur, to take new challenges and seek fresh opportunities.
Apart from organizing the event many also participate in and excelling in the events and competitions, making this a great opportunity to